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Tuesday, 10 December 2013


COLLECTION spells PELLETSA collection of spells pelletsWARNING ! ! ! ! !WOMEN DO NOT DO IT
Sorry in advance , , , actually a collection of spells I got from surfing the internet . I myself forgot from which site . Actually, I hesitate to post them , if seen from the side of religion actually banned but in terms of culture is a culture of conservation efforts ( although probably a bad culture ) . And another benefit is for the jomblowan who can not match even though they had stepped over the age of 30. Before that, I reiterate that I have never practiced it . All the risks that will happen outside of my sins ... ha ... ha ... ha .This set of spells come from a variety of areas .
1 . Spell hoofThis prayer is read after praying 4 rokaat intent with regards 2x , run over consecutive 7hari .Benediction : " Allahummaj ' alni mahbuban qulubil fi ..... (name and father / mother ) ..... Fabasyirni wabil Ghoni , ilammi'atin wa isyrina sanaa yaa fallahu Khoirun Hafiza wahuwa arhamar rohimiin " .8 on the day to meet that person and express your feelings dijamimin received Dech ... if you do not believe try dikerjain , n buktiin useful result ... insha allah .
2.Ilmu this one sdh often in paranormal circles ngetop praktekin by ground water , if one wants to try luck aja Dech ...Prepare the black glutinous rice 1 handful , continue reading below spells then sprinkled ditampat passed orong intended ." Owah gingsir sifating urip , kang mung owah katresnanku manjing dadi sawiji sajiwo lan sarogo , kalayan Jiwo rogone si ....... (name of person ) turune child Kanjeng prophet adam , ora split salawase Gesang " .This spell is done 3x 11x read consecutively for 3 days
3 . Land of Sunda - KarachiThose who have yearns reed or elephant semen , spell peletnya of land pasundan of elders who are still descendants of grandparents Sunda increasingly Santang Mbah karawang palace .DEULEU Aing DEULEU TEUTEUPIN KA creature DEULEU ETAHEUNTEU HURING HEUNTEU SEUREUPKA SEUREUPKENEH scabby AGENCYYES YES HULLOH YAHULLOH HULLOHPut reed yearns / elephant semen into a bottle of non- alcoholic perfume . Read TSB spell of the full moon at midnight while holding batol 99x TSB . Oil can be used with hands and rub on both sides ditelapak eyebrows . At the time of meter reading is required with 1x TSB .
4 . AJI rocking horseMantra :" Niyat Ingsun AMATEK AJIKU SIJARAN rocking .NO BACKGROUND rocking ING CENTRAL , CEMETIKU SODO LanangUPET UPET KU LEWE YARN .NO MOUNTAIN SABETAKE JUGRUG WATU GEMPURTAK SABETAKE SEGORO ASATNO WAVES Gedhe fallen SABETAKETAK SABETAKE ATINE SI .........PET SIDHO EDAN EDAN SIDHO ORA ORA dumb dumbMARI MARI ORA ORA Ingsun SING YEN NAMBANI " .This includes the type of pellet pellets rare , its use must be with pengijasahaan so if you want to take back their knowledge can be done by teachers who mengijasahkannya .The procedure:Perform mutih fasting for 7 days with mutih ngepel , meaning each open only eat white rice and 3 clod water 1 degree . spell read at midnight 11x , 21x dawn , the sun sank 41x .imagine when reading the spell in question or that person staring at the photo .Last night spell read someone hands of the night as much as 111x .At the time of this spell every night running the target will be approached by the holy spirit shadow laduni the run . Last Day of the target would be the craziest crazy . When you have a target such as this must be married for real crazy if it is decided begitutu alone .
ket : Reads time 111x or 313x midnight , visualisaikan good for him and dg near you , Good luck
6 . Mantra Girl stimulants .This spell can wa a spiritualist in the area of Sidoarjo .The mantra is :" Mantoko binnasi fahuwa yukrizul maniyul adhiem "its use :Dilafadz spells in the liver , while the thumb and index finger diremas2 , as if squeezing miss v girl . Of view of a girl TSB until orgasm . Mantra should dipuasai 1hr fitting the birth .
7 . Mantra Incentives to Girls 2Make Women Orgasm By Pepper / Black Pepper .The trick Take 1-3 male pepper ( pepper looking oval shape ) . Then Gyre - pilinlah one pepper it with his right hand as he read the paragraph below and continue staring at the woman in question . So in the time that soon he felt a tremendous climax . Try to do . This is the prayer that reads :" Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim KHULIQO MIIMMAA ' IIN DAA FIQ , YAHRUJU MIMBAINISHULBI WATTAROO ' IB '
8.ini one of the most potent spell of the land wither procedures : prayer after urination read 100 x for 7 days , starting Monday after that , read the prayer sambol 7x hold your breath after the magic formula :" Slide mint , cane bark grows diluwah guilty I love thee , thou innocent worship thanks I wore : a loving god loving the prophet muhammad Bagindo gracious thanks lailla hailallah " .
9 . Science pangkanang .Science is the science of pellets rare pangkanang dreaded and only owned by indigenous people specific / Hero Member descendants still Dayak or commander .Science special pellets react to infiltrate into the liver , heart and mind . Making people in the subject heading of love love lust , longing remember crying recollected crazy . ( without fasting \ without restrictions )media :- photos- Glass coaster- turmeric- 3 grains of rice- incenseMANTRA PANGKANANG :" Bismillahirahmanirrahiim wilimuning ratsimajini Allah latineung kurajuti heart hearts , minds not willing to be subject to no ardent love love lust remember crying whimpers miss recollected crazy love on me right to the right god allah "HOW TO USEThis science starts Friday 00.00 recommended before beginning to wash up at least arm elbow Burn incense legs at the knees rotate around the body and then on the 7x break turmeric pinch - pinch to exit the water . Combine 3 eggs until yellow saffron rice to face the target while imagining then wrapped in rice paper input containing 3 grains input photo standing position , then reversed so that the glass becomes tebalik asapi glass photo , photograph , white rice with incense to store the index and middle finger of the hand right up the ass glasses , read science 14x , 49x depending on the dose until you want to read .
10 . Tantra Mantra Asmara .[ Aji Asmara Tantra - Wet Dreams ] Science / Ajian if addressed to a person , the person who will target you are dreaming a dream intercourse with you .HOW:Do a clean bathroom / shower / kramas afternoon . Intention bath :" Intention Ingsun ADUS Banyu HOLY BODY EARTH Suko SAH SINAMPURNO " .At night when you go to bed , do pray lavatory 2 rokaat After greeting you first concentration is to calm the mind, your mind as calm as possible . If you 're feeling calm ; steady , then Surat Al - Fatihah had given to where you are calling :" ILA KHUSUSON RUKHI SIJABANG BABY ........ ( nameless mother daughter / mother if you do not know the name of the daughter " HAWA " ) and read Surat Al - Fatiha 1x . Spell and read as much as 41x your intentions addressed to him ( Sidia ) .The mantra is :" BISMILLAHIRROHMANIRROHIIM ALLOHUMMA KUN ROTUN SIFATE RAFALE Allah Allah Turu DREAMS BECOME ROSO , ROSO SIRASAMU SI adiku baby ............ (mention the name of his mother daughter / kalu not know the name of the daughter of his mother " HAWA " ) . MANDAJA ATUHUM AYYANI ' KUN LANUK khota terminal . SHAME MASALAMA BIYAR SOLALLOHU alaihi WASSALIM . "Then you sleep . Do rituals last for 3 nights in a row should not be broken .
11 . pellets SindukaSINDUKA SUNKALANTAKA KLINGKANG KLINGKING GULUKU SADA Iking WETENGKU SACIPLUKAN WOYAH WAYIH Godong IRAS INTENTION Ingsun PAN send Banyu KENCANA Sukma sejatine SI .... ( Mention the Name of the destination and its people who Bintinya ) ......... IT ILIR KEPASIR BEETLE POWER CREWS ING PANGARIKUN Sukma sejatine SI ..... ( Mention the Name of the destination and its people who Bintinya ) ............ WANATUL JINThis science is a science that is very effective to make the person we are headed with our wet dreams . Simply read the spell before you sleep while imagining the person you want . then immediately try to sleep , he dreams you too .Hypnotic ! ! !Hipnoparenting is actually intended for children hipnotherapi ga naughty and diligent study . tp can also be used so that the husband or wife is not cheating he ... he ... he ... how: when children sleep at night aja ato who want to be hypnotized , held his chin and rocking right and left . then hold your mouth ear pd object . eg the name A. A saying is if you hear his voice nod . this is done to change the state of sleep into a state of hypnosis . If successful the object would nod his head .then you then just say your message in the message object . eg should study hard , etc. . not avoid the word . after completion message is spoken , command objects DNG sleep soundly . hopefully useful .SCIENCE JAMUZKALIMUSADAA. Prayer to outwit the thieves .Prepare & stone whetstone ( Java Wungkal ) and recite both Alfiil Letter 40X , 40X Natural nasyroh but every few interchangeable 10X breathed into the rock . After the planting of the second stone in the middle of the house , so if there is a thief who will enter our homes will never be able to steal our stuff , because the thieves will be busy in the ground dug - ngeduk within our homes until morning .B. Science Mandal .Science is a way of seeing the thief mandal in terms of supernatural , here will I teach KPD all people .The trick : take a white plate within the plate was then spread with coconut oil , but the oil lamp with asapilah previously read Surat Al-Fatihah 3X , Sholawat 3X.kemudian command that children who have not baligh For mengkaca ( see ) into the plate while we hold his neck was then read : WALMALAKUL LADZII BILAA UM ABI WA LAA LAA AKLA Surba WALA NAUMA lahum 3X blow to ubun2nya , Insha Allah who will appear as a supernatural thief .Bulletproof SCIENCE AND WEAPONS SHARPIf the science is in glory, will provide good immunity bullets or sharp weapon . However, this immunity is defensive so it is not recommended to be demonstrated in an attraction .Invulnerability - 1On every Thursday night at midnight , after doing wudlu and pray , read the prayer below 777 x :Bismillahirrohmaanirrohimm .Ta - ' azzaztu birobbil ' izzatiwal jabaruut ,tawakkaltu wa ' alal hayyil ladzii yamuut laa .syaahatil wujuuh ( 3 x ) ,wa'amatil abshooru ( 3x ) ,tawakkaltu ' alal waahidil qohhaar .Wa wa laa laa Haula quwwata illaa billaahil ' aliyyil ' adheem . "Please note that the power will be real only if the state of emergency, will not work if you try to show it in front of ( the ) others .The strength can we transferkan to goods . While we do dhikr channeling energy into the item . After reading 777 transferkan energy into goods and incense asapi arabic [ incense / - fragrant smell ] . repeat for 3 or 7 Thursday .Invulnerability - 2If you want protection from the power of the physical universe fight crime , do the following ceremony for three days . Starting from Tuesday to Thursday .Puasalah three days , do not eat or drink from dawn to dusk . On Wednesday and Tuesday night read the following prayer 100x .On Thursday evening read 1000 x .After completion of fasting , every day in reading 3 xhis prayer :Cor ibna ' yaa alwaan sayyidisysyaih Muhyiddin Abdal qaadiril jiilaanihaadlirh laa laa yamuut yamuut laa laa yamuut illaa bi idznillaahi haulaa walaaquwwata illaa billaahil ' aliyyil adhiim . "By completing this ritual , if diridloi God , you will be protected from physical attacks and so invulnerable weapon wounds tajam.Kamu will not unless God wills .

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  1. Menyesali sedalam-dalamnya tindakan dimasa lalu yang keliru, yang tidak bermanfaat dan tidak baik, dan mengembalikan harta orang yang telah diambil secara aniaya. Jika tidak bias mengembalikannya maka mintalah kerelaan dari sang empunya agar menjadi halal (analasa anebataken lampah kang karuhun, kang tanpa gawe, kang tanpa yukti, lawan arep angulihaken artaning wong kinaniaya. Yen tan kawasa angulihaken palampahana halal rewanging asawala, mangkadi i kang linaran atine abcik yang pasunga halal).
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