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Unfortunately, Sukarno was stabbed by a country that he loved so much.Apparently, the revolution-as often didengungkannyamust prey on their own children and it is tragic Sukarno.
Decades after the figure of Sukarno died,his name was still being hailed and discussed with great admiration.And every time there is talk of Sukarno,I finally realized how important the role of Sukarno incarve the name of the nation on the international stage.
of alienation, won glory, then leadthe tragedy that has made it aprey of the great train called revolution.if later he died in a conspiracy and solitude,then it's just a tragedy that became final in the story of his life,,
At the time of our nation's pride on a child loses his own nation,longing Sukarno along the river will continue to beat our historicity.As we are faced with a number of politicians with no vision,hence the name of this nation 'frustrations on the world stage.It is ironic because before Sukarno able to fill the empty spaces of the pride,but we just forget about it.Our great nation, we are not a nation of tempeh. We will not beg, we will not ask for it, especially if it aids diembel embroider with this condition that requirement! Better eat cassava but independent of the feed Bestik but slaves. "Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1963"
LBH struggle easier because repel invaders, tp your struggle will be more difficult because against your own people. - "Bung Karno"
"Give me an old 1000, will be pulled from its roots semeru, give me 1 youth, surely will kuguncangkan world". (Bung Karno)
"Great nation is a nation that respects the services of his hero." (Heroes Day Speech 10 Nop.1961)
If someone is still inside there is a sense of shame and fear to do something good, then it is a guarantee for the meeting he will not progress a single step. "Bung Karno"
"No one has to calculate: how lucky I got later of the Republic, when I struggled and sacrificed to defend it". (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation of 1956 Bung Karno)
words of wisdom pearls Ir. soekarno
Make this my suffering as a witness, that the power of a president even if there is a limit. Due to the lasting power is people power. And above all is the power of God Almighty.
Do not suppose we've all been pretty instrumental in terms of three colors. As long as there is still mourning in shacks our work done! Fight continues to pour as much-a lot of sweat. (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1950 Bung Karno)
".......... Build a world where all people live in peace and brotherhood ......" (Bung Karno)
"We do not live in the light of the full moon, we still live in a transition period, remains eager eagle eagle". (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1949 Sukarno)
"The Word of God is gitaku, this is the Word of God must be Gitamu:" Innallahu la yu ma ghoiyiru bikaumin, hatta yu ma ghoiyiru biamfusihim ". "God did not changed the fate of a nation before it changed the nation's fate" (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1964 Bung Karno)
"Are we Weaknesses: Our weakness is that we lack confidence in ourselves as a nation, so that we become a nation of copycats overseas, less trusting of each other, but we are the original People's Mutual Aid" (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1966 Bung Karno)
Do not look into the future with eyes blind! The past is useful to be glass bengala of the future. "Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation of 1966, Sukarno".
"The nation that does not believe in the power itself as a nation, can not stand as an independent nation." (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation of 1963 Bung Karno)
The above is only partially wisdom word pearl Ir. Soekarno, still many others. We briefly trail, 1901an first year on the 6th of June in the town of Blitar, a child was born who was given the name Koesno sosrodiharjo. Of the fruit of love of a married couple Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Around the year 1945 - 1966 he served as the first president of Indonesia, and died in the capital Jakarta on 21 June 1970.
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