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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Who Ir. Sukarno

Who Ir. Sukarno
Ir. Sukarno-or better known by the name of the people of Indonesia Soekarno-in sheet Indonesian constitutional history was recorded as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. But his role in the struggle of the Indonesian nation is actually much broader. Beliaulah-with Drs. Moh. Hatta-read the Declaration of Independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, so given the title of Mr. Proclaimers. In addition, he is also recognized as the Father of the Nation (the founding fathers) who has played a part in raising, giving the nation's identity and then laid the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, which was first raised on June 1, 1945.
Sukarno was born in Surabaya on June 6, 1901. His father was a teacher named R. Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, being his mother, Nyoman Rai, is a relative of a nobleman in Singaraja (Bali).
Since a young age, even while still in school in HBS (Hogere Burger School, high school high school) Surabaya, he has stepped in to fight for the independence of his people, by entering the Tri Koro Darmo organizations, youth organizations which later changed its name to the Jong Java. Even semasih in HBS Bung Karno also began writing political articles against Dutch colonialism in the newspapers led SI leaders, HOS. Tjokroaminoto, Oetoesan Indies.
Setamatnya of Bandung Technische Hoge School (now ITB) he refused to become a colonial civil servants. Instead on July 4, 1927 with Mr. Sartono, Ir. Anwari, Mr. Sunario and others he founded the PNI, a political party that has a program to achieve the independence of Indonesia. In 1927 also spearheaded the establishment of Bung Karno PPPKI (Covenant of Political Parties Indonesian Nationality), a combination of organizations and political parties that fought for the independence of Indonesia, including PNI, PSII, Budi Utomo, Pasundan, Sumatranen Bond, and The Betawi.
Because of his political activities in 1930 Bung Karno colonial government arrested and later sentenced to 4 years. In his defense speech titled Landraad Bandung Indonesia Sues stir internationally, so the colonial government on December 31, 1931 was forced to acquit Bung Karno before his sentence is completed.
Sekeluarnya from prison Sukamiskin turns Bung Karno activity is not reduced. In fact, he decided to go into Partindo Party (Indonesia), and led the party's radical magazine, Thoughts Ra'jat. 1934 Bung Karno exiled to Ende (Flores), and then in 1938 moved to Bengkulu.
As the internment, Bung Karno keep spreading the ideals of independence. Since at Bung Karno Ende established repertory, named Flores, and had staged his writing stories, such as "Dr. Satan "and" 1945 ". Activity was passed in Bengkulu. Even in the new exile Bung Karno active in educational activities through Muhammadiyah.
When Japan invaded Indonesia, the Dutch Bung Karno will be brought to Australia. But it turns out that plan failed, so the Bung Karno fall in the Japanese army rule. Realizing the magnitude of influence among the people of Bung Karno Indonesia, Japan finally brought Bung Karno in Jakarta.
According to the agreement among the leaders of the movement, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta fight in the middle of the army of occupation, while Sjahrir went underground. On June 1, 1945, in front of the Board of Inquiry hearing Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence, Bung Karno convey his idea of ​​Pancasila, the state philosophy as the basis of an independent Indonesia. In the end of the trial BPUPKI, the precepts of Pancasila was approved for inclusion in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945.
After learning that the Japanese capitulated to the Allies, on August 17, 1945 Bung Karno and Bung Hatta read the proclamation of Indonesian independence in the home page Bung Karno in Jakarta Pegangsaan Road 56 East. A day later, at trial the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence Bung Karno was unanimously elected as the first president of the Republic of Indonesia.
Facing Dutch colonialism attempts to re-colonize Indonesia, Bung Karno decided to move to Yogyakarta and lead the struggle of the city. Only after the Round Table Conference in The Hague to recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, and all levels of government returned to Jakarta.
Thanks to the leadership of Sukarno eventually the United Republic of Indonesia which was originally planned Dutch failed on August 1, 1950 and returned to the Unitary State of Indonesia. Bung Karno finally managed to complete it after the Dutch Unitary willing to cede West Irian to Indonesia in 1962.
During his time as President Bung Karno also continue to fight for the independence of colonized countries. Thanks to the ideas held Asian-African Conference in Bandung in April 1955, a number of countries in Asia-Africa managed to gain its independence. Bung Karno endlessly striving for world peace, such as the Conference of Non-Aligned rally with a number of third world leaders such as Nehru, Nasser, Tito and Nkrumah. Thanks to the struggle Bung Karno also received the title Hero of Islam Asia-Africa. Weekly Time and influential internationally include Bung Karno in Asia were influential figures in the twentieth century, parallel to Nehru, Nasser and Mao Zedong.
Bung Karno own personal extraordinary. No wonder analysts say, as long as 100 years in Indonesia is not necessarily born of a character like Bung Karno. He is not only known as a great orator, but also a master diplomat.
Bung Karno received Doctor Honoris Causa from 26 universities at home and abroad. Aside from leading universities in Indonesia such as the University of Gajah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Padjadjaran University, Hasanuddin University and Jakarta State Islamic Institute, also from foreign universities. Among them, Columbia University (USA), Berlin University (Germany), Lomonosov University (Moscow), Al-Azhar University (Cairo). Broad range of scientific fields show insight Bung Karno. Not only in Engineering Sciences, but also in Social and Political Science, Legal Studies, History of Science, Philosophy and Science of Islamic Theology.


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