Thursday, 9 May 2013
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Recent editorial TNI Watch! received information from a former political prisoner (Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Hr). He is an Air Force intelligence officer, when events "G.30.S" erupted. Whenlanguishing in RTM (Military Detention) Budi Utomo, Central Jakarta, our source had a conversation with Sudisman (one of the PKI Politburo member), about the incident, of course, from the point of view Sudisman. The following article is Sudisman view, as thehe told our source.
Ahead of G-30 events, three factions have emerged within the PKI Politburo.Respectively are:1. DN Aidit faction (supported MH Lukman).DN Aidit is Chairman of the CC - PKI, and MH Lukman as Vice Chairman of the First2. Sudisman faction (Secretary CC - PKI)3. Nyoto faction (Vice Chairman II CC - PKI
Fragmentation of the Politburo (PB) in the three factions, because some things, either because of political orientation, leadership style each person in PKI, and also personal political interests. Sudisman example has strong roots in the workers. Nyoto being considered too biased to Moscow, unlike Aidit oriented to Beijing.
Interesting question: how the relationship with the factions of the G-30?
It turns out that play a role only faction Aidit, are two other factions practically no idea at all, on the plan of action.Movement began preparation to implementation, of the elements of the Politburo (PB), which is active only Aidit. Two other factions were excluded, because it is broken. And it appears to be only a matter of political interest Aidit alone.
For political purposes (not to mention personal ambition), Aidit more contact with the PKI Special Bureau (hereafter BC), the chairman is Sjam Kamaruzaman. Long story short, Aidit with BC who had more of a role in designing and controlling events. Sjam Aidit activity with this, the clandestine nature, meaning not communicated to the party leadership element. So Aidit and Sjam action goes beyond the formal organizational lines.
Important positions with the BC Sjam figure in that event, which is then often a matter of debate and expert analysis regarding the incident. In addition to the important position, which impressed Sjam mysterious figure, making the controversy surrounding him was never completed.
BC is the other name of the Army Bureau. From the name alone is clear, his job is to build a network to army (ABRI). For the purpose of building a network (the current term "work") in the Armed Forces, assisted by Sjamsome figures, among others: Pono, aka Bono Waluyo, Hamim and Soejono Pradigdo. Sjam and more Pono relationship with elements of the Army, being assigned to the element Bono Air Force.
In performing its duties, BC directly responsible to Aidit, as Head of the Department / Organization PKI Politburo. In addition to the name "The Special", line BC is also special operations, that BC often actoutside the official party coordination. Another particularity is that direct access to Aidit. Because of some privilege in BC, where BC alone in the party, often questioned by other PKI leaders (outside Aidit). Even some time after the event, Sudisman when talking with a fellow prison inmate, sarcastically calling BC as PKI illegal.
At least before the event, had hundreds of officers (most elements AD) who succeeded in their building, up to commitments with officers made practically very solid. Some of the officers,later became the direct perpetrators of the movement, such as Lt. Col. Profit (one of the Regimental Commander Bataliyon Cakrabirawa), Col. Abdul Latif (1 brigade commander Jaya Military Command), Brigadier General Suparjo, Col. Suherman (1 Assistant Commander Diponegoro VII), Air Sudiono Col, Major Sujono. What should be emphasized here, the officers entered the BC network, can not be claimed as a member of the PKI. Because they only deal with BC, not by PKI as an organization.
Because wearing track "special", not the official line, and are clandestine (secret). Then the relationships or networks built BC, more properly called ubagai conspiracy. With Sjam as a central liaison,between Factions Aidit with elements of the Armed Forces.
In addition to these officers, which has been categorized as "inner circle", BC as well as build relationships with officers in the leadership ranks of the Armed Forces, ie Men / Air Force Commander Omar Dhani (by Bono) and Suharto military Maj. (company "worked" Sjam) . In BC link, Omar Dhani and Suharto are not strangers, they are considered "friend" or"Our people". Although not yet in the category of the "inner circle". Form such a relationship can be created, especially because the role Sjam. In more pop, Sjam position is "right-left-right".
Sjam figure is unique, a lot of people call it mysterious. It can happen because there is a presumption Sjam a "double agent", he worked for AD and PKI (via BC). Winding journey of his life as well. Prior to joiningPKI, had a cadre of leaders Sjam Djohan Sjahroesjah PSI, in the war for independence in Yogyakarta. At this period, we find traces of interesting history, namely the presence of "group Pathok".
Pathok is a name of the village in Yogyakarta, which is often used as a meeting place between Sjam, Aidit, and a young officer, the Lieutenant Colonel Suharto. So the introduction between the three men had been longer. EspeciallyAidit have a debt of gratitude to Sjam, because Sjam passed Aidit and Lukman, when held in the Port of Tanjung Priok, in early 1950.Upon returning Aidit and Lukman, from abroad to escape, after the Madiun Affair.
Confidentiality level network built very high BC. Rapihnya such secrecy that, to the extent that Maj. S. Parman, as Assistant I / Intelligence Men / Army, also a victim. Yet as Assistant Intelligence, Major General S. Parman should understand the situation that was happeningin the Armed Forces and the national political environment in general. The same is true ignorance on PKI leadership. Like read of pique Sudisman above. It also appears from the unpreparedness of the PKI, in the face"Moringa annihilated" (crushed up by the roots) some time after the event.
According to our sources, the list of officers who enter BC network, there are names that it seems impossible that enter the network. So the truth of the facts, there needs to be confirmation or further research. The names of the officers are: Amir Machmud, Ali Murtopo, BasukiRachmat and Kardono (AU).
Name another officer to note is Pranoto Rekso Samudro, who was then serving as Assistant III / Personnel Men / Army.What's interesting is Pranoto position was not included in the BC network, because Pranoto more inclined to faction Nyoto.
Of the three factions in the NT, factions Factions Nyoto is closest to President Sukarno. This is made possible by Nyoto position as Minister of State, which is assigned to the President. So between Bung Karno, Nyoto and Pranoto, are in one axis. Now if we remember back,rejection of the appointment of Major General Soeharto as caretaker Pranoto Men / Army at that time, in addition to showing an attitude of defiance against President Suharto, it could be a part of the "rivalry" between the factions, because Suharto - through Sjam - Factions Aidit entry. Sinceabout a year before the event, and the conflict between Aidit Nyoto increasingly sharp. Nyoto role in the NT has been reduced, and also removed as the editor of the "Red Star".
THEORY disjunctureIn connection with the maneuver jarintan BC, the shaft Factions Aidit - BC / Sjam - Elements of the Armed Forces (Lt. Fortunately, Brig Suparjo, Col A Latif et al), our source further provide analysis, because our source was more or less out of the event. He introduce "TheoryDiscontinuity ", to explain the G30S affair, especially on kidnapping episode of the generals. Because our source is an intelligence officer, intelligence is normal that nuanced analysis.
In an intelligence operation, among which utilize (subject) with those used by the subject, the object or the operator, usually there is no direct relationship. So there's a disconnect between the subjectand objects, herein lies the "theory of discontinuity" in the incident. And again, a disconnect between subject and object, is something which is very unusual in the world of intelligence.
"The break procedure" is actually a precaution (security), if the operator fails as the object, then the party who utilize (subject), can not be confirmed, and then can be hands-off. Just an easy example, we can see in the screen serial"Mission Impossible", where in the intro, we see the scene, that the user (British secret service) will not be responsible, if the operation fails.
Then how between the subjects and objects relate? The answer is predictable, ie, by a third party. This third party doubles, he is connecting factor and factor breaker as well. When the operationto begin, a third party is the link. But if one day, it turns out the operation fails, then the third party who had a liaison, now a breaker. That is the disconnect between subject and object, so that the subject can escape responsibility. If the operation is successful, each party may return to their habitat with calm, as if nothing happened.
In connection with the incident, whichever side that acts as subject, object and third parties as well as liaison and breakers? Subject is CLA, the object (operator) is Lieutenant Colonel Lucky and First Lieutenant Arief Doel, and third-party faction Aidit atalah Axle-BC / Sjam -Elements of the Armed Forces. So that will be used in the CIA operations Profit and First Lieutenant Colonel atalah Doel Arief, but the CIA was not directly related to the Profit / Doel Arief, but through the shaft Aidit / Sjam.
If drawn graphics, Axles CIA ties to the DNA / Sjam atalah straight line, which means direct contact. Similarly, from Poros DNA / Sjam to Colonel Profit / First Lieutenant Arief Doel as the operator. Being CIA to operator(Profit / Doel Arief), is the dotted line, that is not directly related.
What is interesting, that the DNA Axle / Sjam actually play more than just a "third party". In the current crisis, they also have their own political interests. So there was a meeting between the CIA and interestsShaft DNA / Sjam, and on the basis of their own political interests, they both utilize the same operator (Profit / Doel Arief.)
Turns operation failed, because there are members Aidit Axle / Sjam who defected, namely Maj. Suharto. Because Major General Suharto had access to Factions Aidit / Sjam and Operator (Profit / Doel Arif), then it can be rapidly Suharto also rolling elements Factions Aidit / Sjam, and also elements of the operator. Doel Lieutenant Arief as the executor in the field, finished earliest, by troops under Col. Ali Murtopo (of course on the orders of Suharto). Lt. Col. Luckily still managed to escape, but was caught too, and immediately executed. ***
TNI Watch! an issue which is meant to oversee the behavior of the military, of about mutations within the TNI, profiles and travelogues army officers, violations of human-rights abuses committed, military politics, weapons used, and so on. The goal is that the audience can figure it out and come together oversee.
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