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Tuesday 13 December 2011


own ... for what? what can!
do not we live with others, because someone else for someone else

yes ...
we live for others, because everyone else is our life so meaningful
is it possible we live alone without attention, without affection, without love

yes ...
without love, is it possible
but ...
whether we can, whether we can live without love?
sometimes I used to think .. perhaps, better to live without love
with no time to argue, without any thing to blame, without tears and anger, without any ... love ...

but ...
without love ...
there would be no happy smile in the morning
there would be no small laughter full of jokes
there would be no happiness ...
all empty ...
life without meaning
without affection
without love ...
and then ...
why do we have to live without love?
why we should avoid love
why should we pretend
that we are happy
without love....


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M@M@h YUniawati....... Powered by Blogger.
  1. Menyesali sedalam-dalamnya tindakan dimasa lalu yang keliru, yang tidak bermanfaat dan tidak baik, dan mengembalikan harta orang yang telah diambil secara aniaya. Jika tidak bias mengembalikannya maka mintalah kerelaan dari sang empunya agar menjadi halal (analasa anebataken lampah kang karuhun, kang tanpa gawe, kang tanpa yukti, lawan arep angulihaken artaning wong kinaniaya. Yen tan kawasa angulihaken palampahana halal rewanging asawala, mangkadi i kang linaran atine abcik yang pasunga halal).
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