Ngayogya word from the word meaning yogya deserve, either. Ngayogya means towards attaining the ideals of good and said that is safe, prosperous. Ngayogyakarta means to achieve well-being (for the country and its people). The name was not created by the founder of the palace of Prince Mangkubumi Ngayogyakarta (Sulatn Hamengkubuwono I), but the ideals were approximately 37 years earlier, namely Paku Buwana I (Prince Puger, sister Amangkurat I), the king's palace to 2 Kartasura.

Central site of the first palace of Mataram II is located in Ngeksigondo that we can still see the rest of the buildings made of brick and the names of regions which until now has remained in use as Banguntapan, Kanoman, Gedong Yellow, Gedong Kiwa, Gedong Tengen, a former bathhouse Warungbata, Winong , Sar Gedhe (so Gedhe City), the tomb complex Senopaten and others are scattered a mile north to the southern city of Gede. And Paberingan base located about 5 kilometers west Ngeksigondo, in the reign of Panembahan Hanyakrawati has been built into a forest of bamboo around the fenced recreation king (Krapyak) to hunt deer, at the base called Krapyak. There is also Hanyakrawati wounded until his death, was killed by his own officials Prince istanannya Wiramenggala (Kyai Ageng Bengkung). Because the event was known as Panembahan Hanyakrawati Krapyak Seda.
It is said that towards the end of the Sunan Amangkurat I - Tegal Arum (1646 - 1677) received wisik revelation that the base of the fall Paberingan palace. So he intends to move the palace to the forest Ngeksigondo, has began to build his fort. Candidate will be called the court's meaning Garjitawati osiking Raos ingkang sejatos (pure heart). The plan does not continue because the trigger on the Mataram kingdom Trunojoyo rebels seized the people who supported, opposed the Amangkurat I recognize Dutch colonial sovereignty and act cruelly massacred Giri 6000 students and also their close relatives own. With betuan Banyumas troops and Bagelen / Kebumen Trunojoyo rebellion can be annihilated and Amangkurat Java (Anom Amral P) with a degree Amangkurat II - (1677-1678). Kotaraja damaged in the move to Crete (which means to secure peace)
A year after the agreement was signed Giyanti 1755, Alas Paberingan gradually built into the palace complex and called Ngayogyakarata Sultanate palace, complete with all the gardens such as Taman Sari, Kali ban to fill Segaran with Boxwood island in the middle, called Yasa Kambang and Stage Krayak outside the walls of the palace as we see today. Architect of the assign construct is T Mangundipura.
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