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Tuesday, 10 December 2013


COLLECTION spells PELLETSA collection of spells pelletsWARNING ! ! ! ! !WOMEN DO NOT DO IT
Sorry in advance , , , actually a collection of spells I got from surfing the internet . I myself forgot from which site . Actually, I hesitate to post them , if seen from the side of religion actually banned but in terms of culture is a culture of conservation efforts ( although probably a bad culture ) . And another benefit is for the jomblowan who can not match even though they had stepped over the age of 30. Before that, I reiterate that I have never practiced it . All the risks that will happen outside of my sins ... ha ... ha ... ha .This set of spells come from a variety of areas .
1 . Spell hoofThis prayer is read after praying 4 rokaat intent with regards 2x , run over consecutive 7hari .Benediction : " Allahummaj ' alni mahbuban qulubil fi ..... (name and father / mother ) ..... Fabasyirni wabil Ghoni , ilammi'atin wa isyrina sanaa yaa fallahu Khoirun Hafiza wahuwa arhamar rohimiin " .8 on the day to meet that person and express your feelings dijamimin received Dech ... if you do not believe try dikerjain , n buktiin useful result ... insha allah .
2.Ilmu this one sdh often in paranormal circles ngetop praktekin by ground water , if one wants to try luck aja Dech ...Prepare the black glutinous rice 1 handful , continue reading below spells then sprinkled ditampat passed orong intended ." Owah gingsir sifating urip , kang mung owah katresnanku manjing dadi sawiji sajiwo lan sarogo , kalayan Jiwo rogone si ....... (name of person ) turune child Kanjeng prophet adam , ora split salawase Gesang " .This spell is done 3x 11x read consecutively for 3 days
3 . Land of Sunda - KarachiThose who have yearns reed or elephant semen , spell peletnya of land pasundan of elders who are still descendants of grandparents Sunda increasingly Santang Mbah karawang palace .DEULEU Aing DEULEU TEUTEUPIN KA creature DEULEU ETAHEUNTEU HURING HEUNTEU SEUREUPKA SEUREUPKENEH scabby AGENCYYES YES HULLOH YAHULLOH HULLOHPut reed yearns / elephant semen into a bottle of non- alcoholic perfume . Read TSB spell of the full moon at midnight while holding batol 99x TSB . Oil can be used with hands and rub on both sides ditelapak eyebrows . At the time of meter reading is required with 1x TSB .
4 . AJI rocking horseMantra :" Niyat Ingsun AMATEK AJIKU SIJARAN rocking .NO BACKGROUND rocking ING CENTRAL , CEMETIKU SODO LanangUPET UPET KU LEWE YARN .NO MOUNTAIN SABETAKE JUGRUG WATU GEMPURTAK SABETAKE SEGORO ASATNO WAVES Gedhe fallen SABETAKETAK SABETAKE ATINE SI .........PET SIDHO EDAN EDAN SIDHO ORA ORA dumb dumbMARI MARI ORA ORA Ingsun SING YEN NAMBANI " .This includes the type of pellet pellets rare , its use must be with pengijasahaan so if you want to take back their knowledge can be done by teachers who mengijasahkannya .The procedure:Perform mutih fasting for 7 days with mutih ngepel , meaning each open only eat white rice and 3 clod water 1 degree . spell read at midnight 11x , 21x dawn , the sun sank 41x .imagine when reading the spell in question or that person staring at the photo .Last night spell read someone hands of the night as much as 111x .At the time of this spell every night running the target will be approached by the holy spirit shadow laduni the run . Last Day of the target would be the craziest crazy . When you have a target such as this must be married for real crazy if it is decided begitutu alone .
ket : Reads time 111x or 313x midnight , visualisaikan good for him and dg near you , Good luck
6 . Mantra Girl stimulants .This spell can wa a spiritualist in the area of Sidoarjo .The mantra is :" Mantoko binnasi fahuwa yukrizul maniyul adhiem "its use :Dilafadz spells in the liver , while the thumb and index finger diremas2 , as if squeezing miss v girl . Of view of a girl TSB until orgasm . Mantra should dipuasai 1hr fitting the birth .
7 . Mantra Incentives to Girls 2Make Women Orgasm By Pepper / Black Pepper .The trick Take 1-3 male pepper ( pepper looking oval shape ) . Then Gyre - pilinlah one pepper it with his right hand as he read the paragraph below and continue staring at the woman in question . So in the time that soon he felt a tremendous climax . Try to do . This is the prayer that reads :" Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim KHULIQO MIIMMAA ' IIN DAA FIQ , YAHRUJU MIMBAINISHULBI WATTAROO ' IB '
8.ini one of the most potent spell of the land wither procedures : prayer after urination read 100 x for 7 days , starting Monday after that , read the prayer sambol 7x hold your breath after the magic formula :" Slide mint , cane bark grows diluwah guilty I love thee , thou innocent worship thanks I wore : a loving god loving the prophet muhammad Bagindo gracious thanks lailla hailallah " .
9 . Science pangkanang .Science is the science of pellets rare pangkanang dreaded and only owned by indigenous people specific / Hero Member descendants still Dayak or commander .Science special pellets react to infiltrate into the liver , heart and mind . Making people in the subject heading of love love lust , longing remember crying recollected crazy . ( without fasting \ without restrictions )media :- photos- Glass coaster- turmeric- 3 grains of rice- incenseMANTRA PANGKANANG :" Bismillahirahmanirrahiim wilimuning ratsimajini Allah latineung kurajuti heart hearts , minds not willing to be subject to no ardent love love lust remember crying whimpers miss recollected crazy love on me right to the right god allah "HOW TO USEThis science starts Friday 00.00 recommended before beginning to wash up at least arm elbow Burn incense legs at the knees rotate around the body and then on the 7x break turmeric pinch - pinch to exit the water . Combine 3 eggs until yellow saffron rice to face the target while imagining then wrapped in rice paper input containing 3 grains input photo standing position , then reversed so that the glass becomes tebalik asapi glass photo , photograph , white rice with incense to store the index and middle finger of the hand right up the ass glasses , read science 14x , 49x depending on the dose until you want to read .
10 . Tantra Mantra Asmara .[ Aji Asmara Tantra - Wet Dreams ] Science / Ajian if addressed to a person , the person who will target you are dreaming a dream intercourse with you .HOW:Do a clean bathroom / shower / kramas afternoon . Intention bath :" Intention Ingsun ADUS Banyu HOLY BODY EARTH Suko SAH SINAMPURNO " .At night when you go to bed , do pray lavatory 2 rokaat After greeting you first concentration is to calm the mind, your mind as calm as possible . If you 're feeling calm ; steady , then Surat Al - Fatihah had given to where you are calling :" ILA KHUSUSON RUKHI SIJABANG BABY ........ ( nameless mother daughter / mother if you do not know the name of the daughter " HAWA " ) and read Surat Al - Fatiha 1x . Spell and read as much as 41x your intentions addressed to him ( Sidia ) .The mantra is :" BISMILLAHIRROHMANIRROHIIM ALLOHUMMA KUN ROTUN SIFATE RAFALE Allah Allah Turu DREAMS BECOME ROSO , ROSO SIRASAMU SI adiku baby ............ (mention the name of his mother daughter / kalu not know the name of the daughter of his mother " HAWA " ) . MANDAJA ATUHUM AYYANI ' KUN LANUK khota terminal . SHAME MASALAMA BIYAR SOLALLOHU alaihi WASSALIM . "Then you sleep . Do rituals last for 3 nights in a row should not be broken .
11 . pellets SindukaSINDUKA SUNKALANTAKA KLINGKANG KLINGKING GULUKU SADA Iking WETENGKU SACIPLUKAN WOYAH WAYIH Godong IRAS INTENTION Ingsun PAN send Banyu KENCANA Sukma sejatine SI .... ( Mention the Name of the destination and its people who Bintinya ) ......... IT ILIR KEPASIR BEETLE POWER CREWS ING PANGARIKUN Sukma sejatine SI ..... ( Mention the Name of the destination and its people who Bintinya ) ............ WANATUL JINThis science is a science that is very effective to make the person we are headed with our wet dreams . Simply read the spell before you sleep while imagining the person you want . then immediately try to sleep , he dreams you too .Hypnotic ! ! !Hipnoparenting is actually intended for children hipnotherapi ga naughty and diligent study . tp can also be used so that the husband or wife is not cheating he ... he ... he ... how: when children sleep at night aja ato who want to be hypnotized , held his chin and rocking right and left . then hold your mouth ear pd object . eg the name A. A saying is if you hear his voice nod . this is done to change the state of sleep into a state of hypnosis . If successful the object would nod his head .then you then just say your message in the message object . eg should study hard , etc. . not avoid the word . after completion message is spoken , command objects DNG sleep soundly . hopefully useful .SCIENCE JAMUZKALIMUSADAA. Prayer to outwit the thieves .Prepare & stone whetstone ( Java Wungkal ) and recite both Alfiil Letter 40X , 40X Natural nasyroh but every few interchangeable 10X breathed into the rock . After the planting of the second stone in the middle of the house , so if there is a thief who will enter our homes will never be able to steal our stuff , because the thieves will be busy in the ground dug - ngeduk within our homes until morning .B. Science Mandal .Science is a way of seeing the thief mandal in terms of supernatural , here will I teach KPD all people .The trick : take a white plate within the plate was then spread with coconut oil , but the oil lamp with asapilah previously read Surat Al-Fatihah 3X , Sholawat 3X.kemudian command that children who have not baligh For mengkaca ( see ) into the plate while we hold his neck was then read : WALMALAKUL LADZII BILAA UM ABI WA LAA LAA AKLA Surba WALA NAUMA lahum 3X blow to ubun2nya , Insha Allah who will appear as a supernatural thief .Bulletproof SCIENCE AND WEAPONS SHARPIf the science is in glory, will provide good immunity bullets or sharp weapon . However, this immunity is defensive so it is not recommended to be demonstrated in an attraction .Invulnerability - 1On every Thursday night at midnight , after doing wudlu and pray , read the prayer below 777 x :Bismillahirrohmaanirrohimm .Ta - ' azzaztu birobbil ' izzatiwal jabaruut ,tawakkaltu wa ' alal hayyil ladzii yamuut laa .syaahatil wujuuh ( 3 x ) ,wa'amatil abshooru ( 3x ) ,tawakkaltu ' alal waahidil qohhaar .Wa wa laa laa Haula quwwata illaa billaahil ' aliyyil ' adheem . "Please note that the power will be real only if the state of emergency, will not work if you try to show it in front of ( the ) others .The strength can we transferkan to goods . While we do dhikr channeling energy into the item . After reading 777 transferkan energy into goods and incense asapi arabic [ incense / - fragrant smell ] . repeat for 3 or 7 Thursday .Invulnerability - 2If you want protection from the power of the physical universe fight crime , do the following ceremony for three days . Starting from Tuesday to Thursday .Puasalah three days , do not eat or drink from dawn to dusk . On Wednesday and Tuesday night read the following prayer 100x .On Thursday evening read 1000 x .After completion of fasting , every day in reading 3 xhis prayer :Cor ibna ' yaa alwaan sayyidisysyaih Muhyiddin Abdal qaadiril jiilaanihaadlirh laa laa yamuut yamuut laa laa yamuut illaa bi idznillaahi haulaa walaaquwwata illaa billaahil ' aliyyil adhiim . "By completing this ritual , if diridloi God , you will be protected from physical attacks and so invulnerable weapon wounds tajam.Kamu will not unless God wills .

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Who Ir. Sukarno

Who Ir. Sukarno
Ir. Sukarno-or better known by the name of the people of Indonesia Soekarno-in sheet Indonesian constitutional history was recorded as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. But his role in the struggle of the Indonesian nation is actually much broader. Beliaulah-with Drs. Moh. Hatta-read the Declaration of Independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, so given the title of Mr. Proclaimers. In addition, he is also recognized as the Father of the Nation (the founding fathers) who has played a part in raising, giving the nation's identity and then laid the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, which was first raised on June 1, 1945.
Sukarno was born in Surabaya on June 6, 1901. His father was a teacher named R. Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, being his mother, Nyoman Rai, is a relative of a nobleman in Singaraja (Bali).
Since a young age, even while still in school in HBS (Hogere Burger School, high school high school) Surabaya, he has stepped in to fight for the independence of his people, by entering the Tri Koro Darmo organizations, youth organizations which later changed its name to the Jong Java. Even semasih in HBS Bung Karno also began writing political articles against Dutch colonialism in the newspapers led SI leaders, HOS. Tjokroaminoto, Oetoesan Indies.
Setamatnya of Bandung Technische Hoge School (now ITB) he refused to become a colonial civil servants. Instead on July 4, 1927 with Mr. Sartono, Ir. Anwari, Mr. Sunario and others he founded the PNI, a political party that has a program to achieve the independence of Indonesia. In 1927 also spearheaded the establishment of Bung Karno PPPKI (Covenant of Political Parties Indonesian Nationality), a combination of organizations and political parties that fought for the independence of Indonesia, including PNI, PSII, Budi Utomo, Pasundan, Sumatranen Bond, and The Betawi.
Because of his political activities in 1930 Bung Karno colonial government arrested and later sentenced to 4 years. In his defense speech titled Landraad Bandung Indonesia Sues stir internationally, so the colonial government on December 31, 1931 was forced to acquit Bung Karno before his sentence is completed.
Sekeluarnya from prison Sukamiskin turns Bung Karno activity is not reduced. In fact, he decided to go into Partindo Party (Indonesia), and led the party's radical magazine, Thoughts Ra'jat. 1934 Bung Karno exiled to Ende (Flores), and then in 1938 moved to Bengkulu.
As the internment, Bung Karno keep spreading the ideals of independence. Since at Bung Karno Ende established repertory, named Flores, and had staged his writing stories, such as "Dr. Satan "and" 1945 ". Activity was passed in Bengkulu. Even in the new exile Bung Karno active in educational activities through Muhammadiyah.
When Japan invaded Indonesia, the Dutch Bung Karno will be brought to Australia. But it turns out that plan failed, so the Bung Karno fall in the Japanese army rule. Realizing the magnitude of influence among the people of Bung Karno Indonesia, Japan finally brought Bung Karno in Jakarta.
According to the agreement among the leaders of the movement, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta fight in the middle of the army of occupation, while Sjahrir went underground. On June 1, 1945, in front of the Board of Inquiry hearing Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence, Bung Karno convey his idea of ​​Pancasila, the state philosophy as the basis of an independent Indonesia. In the end of the trial BPUPKI, the precepts of Pancasila was approved for inclusion in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945.
After learning that the Japanese capitulated to the Allies, on August 17, 1945 Bung Karno and Bung Hatta read the proclamation of Indonesian independence in the home page Bung Karno in Jakarta Pegangsaan Road 56 East. A day later, at trial the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence Bung Karno was unanimously elected as the first president of the Republic of Indonesia.
Facing Dutch colonialism attempts to re-colonize Indonesia, Bung Karno decided to move to Yogyakarta and lead the struggle of the city. Only after the Round Table Conference in The Hague to recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, and all levels of government returned to Jakarta.
Thanks to the leadership of Sukarno eventually the United Republic of Indonesia which was originally planned Dutch failed on August 1, 1950 and returned to the Unitary State of Indonesia. Bung Karno finally managed to complete it after the Dutch Unitary willing to cede West Irian to Indonesia in 1962.
During his time as President Bung Karno also continue to fight for the independence of colonized countries. Thanks to the ideas held Asian-African Conference in Bandung in April 1955, a number of countries in Asia-Africa managed to gain its independence. Bung Karno endlessly striving for world peace, such as the Conference of Non-Aligned rally with a number of third world leaders such as Nehru, Nasser, Tito and Nkrumah. Thanks to the struggle Bung Karno also received the title Hero of Islam Asia-Africa. Weekly Time and influential internationally include Bung Karno in Asia were influential figures in the twentieth century, parallel to Nehru, Nasser and Mao Zedong.
Bung Karno own personal extraordinary. No wonder analysts say, as long as 100 years in Indonesia is not necessarily born of a character like Bung Karno. He is not only known as a great orator, but also a master diplomat.
Bung Karno received Doctor Honoris Causa from 26 universities at home and abroad. Aside from leading universities in Indonesia such as the University of Gajah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Padjadjaran University, Hasanuddin University and Jakarta State Islamic Institute, also from foreign universities. Among them, Columbia University (USA), Berlin University (Germany), Lomonosov University (Moscow), Al-Azhar University (Cairo). Broad range of scientific fields show insight Bung Karno. Not only in Engineering Sciences, but also in Social and Political Science, Legal Studies, History of Science, Philosophy and Science of Islamic Theology.

syech sukarno

Sukarno was an astute scholar who successfullyled the nation at the gates of independence.He managed to liberate a nation that wasedged to escape from the clutches of colonialism.Through revolutionary jargon, he inflame the spirit of the massesand love is in the country to be ready to be martyred for the sake of the revolution.
Unfortunately, Sukarno was stabbed by a country that he loved so much.Apparently, the revolution-as often didengungkannyamust prey on their own children and it is tragic Sukarno.
Decades after the figure of Sukarno died,his name was still being hailed and discussed with great admiration.And every time there is talk of Sukarno,I finally realized how important the role of Sukarno incarve the name of the nation on the international stage.
of alienation, won glory, then leadthe tragedy that has made it aprey of the great train called revolution.if later he died in a conspiracy and solitude,then it's just a tragedy that became final in the story of his life,,

At the time of our nation's pride on a child loses his own nation,longing Sukarno along the river will continue to beat our historicity.As we are faced with a number of politicians with no vision,hence the name of this nation 'frustrations on the world stage.It is ironic because before Sukarno able to fill the empty spaces of the pride,but we just forget about it.Our great nation, we are not a nation of tempeh. We will not beg, we will not ask for it, especially if it aids diembel embroider with this condition that requirement! Better eat cassava but independent of the feed Bestik but slaves. "Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1963"

LBH struggle easier because repel invaders, tp your struggle will be more difficult because against your own people. - "Bung Karno"

"Give me an old 1000, will be pulled from its roots semeru, give me 1 youth, surely will kuguncangkan world". (Bung Karno)
"Great nation is a nation that respects the services of his hero." (Heroes Day Speech 10 Nop.1961)
If someone is still inside there is a sense of shame and fear to do something good, then it is a guarantee for the meeting he will not progress a single step. "Bung Karno"

"No one has to calculate: how lucky I got later of the Republic, when I struggled and sacrificed to defend it". (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation of 1956 Bung Karno)

words of wisdom pearls Ir. soekarno
Make this my suffering as a witness, that the power of a president even if there is a limit. Due to the lasting power is people power. And above all is the power of God Almighty.
Do not suppose we've all been pretty instrumental in terms of three colors. As long as there is still mourning in shacks our work done! Fight continues to pour as much-a lot of sweat. (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1950 Bung Karno)
".......... Build a world where all people live in peace and brotherhood ......" (Bung Karno)
"We do not live in the light of the full moon, we still live in a transition period, remains eager eagle eagle". (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1949 Sukarno)
"The Word of God is gitaku, this is the Word of God must be Gitamu:" Innallahu la yu ma ghoiyiru bikaumin, hatta yu ma ghoiyiru biamfusihim ". "God did not changed the fate of a nation before it changed the nation's fate" (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1964 Bung Karno)
"Are we Weaknesses: Our weakness is that we lack confidence in ourselves as a nation, so that we become a nation of copycats overseas, less trusting of each other, but we are the original People's Mutual Aid" (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1966 Bung Karno)
Do not look into the future with eyes blind! The past is useful to be glass bengala of the future. "Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation of 1966, Sukarno".
"The nation that does not believe in the power itself as a nation, can not stand as an independent nation." (Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation of 1963 Bung Karno)

The above is only partially wisdom word pearl Ir. Soekarno, still many others. We briefly trail, 1901an first year on the 6th of June in the town of Blitar, a child was born who was given the name Koesno sosrodiharjo. Of the fruit of love of a married couple Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Around the year 1945 - 1966 he served as the first president of Indonesia, and died in the capital Jakarta on 21 June 1970.

Podpolkovnik ZAGOVOR ZHERTV Sukharto-Aydit

Podpolkovnik ZAGOVOR ZHERTV Sukharto-Aydit

Nedavney redaktsionnoy TNI chasy! poluchil informatsiyu ot byvshego politzaklyuchennogo (podpolkovnik Pilot ch). On razvedki ofitsera VVS, kogda sobytiya "G.30.S" vspykhnul. Kogda
tomitsya v RTM (gauptvakhta) Budi Utomo, Tsentral'noy Dzhakarte, nash istochnik byl razgovor s Sudisman (odin iz chlenov Politbyuro PKI), ob intsidente, konechno, s tochki zreniya Sudisman. Sleduyushchaya stat'ya yavlyayetsya Sudisman zreniya, kak
on skazal nash istochnik.

Vperedi G-30 sobytiy, tri fraktsii poyavilis' v PKI Politbyuro.
Sootvetstvenno, yavlyayutsya:
1. DN Aydit fraktsii (podderzhivayetsya MH Lukman).
DN Aydit yavlyayetsya Predsedatel' TSK - PKI, i MH Lukman zamestitelem Predsedatelya Pervogo
2. Sudisman fraktsii (sekretar' TSK - PKI)
3. Nyoto fraktsii (zamestitel' predsedatelya II CC - PKI

Fragmentatsiya Politbyuro (PB) v trekh fraktsiy, potomu chto nekotoryye veshchi, libo iz-za politicheskoy oriyentatsii, stil' rukovodstva kazhdogo cheloveka v PKI, a takzhe lichnyye politicheskiye interesy. Naprimer Sudisman imeyet sil'nyye korni v rabochikh. Nyoto rassmatrivayetsya slishkom predvzyato v Moskvu, v otlichiye ot oriyentirovannykh Aydit v Pekin.

Interesnyy vopros: kak otnosheniya s fraktsiyami G-30?

Poluchayetsya, chto igrayut rol' tol'ko Aydit fraktsii, dve drugiye fraktsii prakticheski ne imeyet voobshche, s planom deystviy.
Dvizheniye nachali podgotovku k realizatsii elementov Politbyuro (PB), kotoraya aktivna tol'ko Aydit. Dve drugiye fraktsii byli isklyucheny, potomu chto ona ne rabotayet. I eto, kazhetsya, tol'ko vopros politicheskoy Aydit odnikh tol'ko protsentov.

V politicheskikh tselyakh (ne govorya uzhe o lichnykh ambitsiy), Aydit bol'she kontaktov s PKI SKB (daleye do n.e.), predsedatelem kotorogo yavlyayetsya Sjam Kamaruzaman. Koroche govorya, s Aydit do n.e., kotoryye imeli bol'shuyu rol' v proyektirovanii i upravlenii sobytiyami. Sjam Aydit deyatel'nosti s etim, taynyy kharakter, imeya v vidu ne soobshchayutsya element partiynogo rukovodstva. Tak Aydit i Sjam deystviye vykhodit za ramki formal'nykh organizatsionnykh liniy.

Vazhnyye pozitsii s figuroy Sjam do n.e. V etom sluchaye, kotoryy zatem chasto yavlyayetsya predmetom diskussiy i ekspertnykh otsenok v svyazi s intsidentom. V dopolneniye k vazhnoye mesto, kotoroye vpechatlilo Sjam tainstvennaya figura, v rezul'tate chego spory vokrug nego ne bylo zaversheno.

Do n.e. eto drugoye nazvaniye Byuro armii. Iz nazvaniya yasno tol'ko, yego zadacha zaklyuchayetsya v sozdanii seti v armiyu (ABRI). Dlya postroyeniya seti (v nastoyashcheye vremya termin "rabota") v Vooruzhennykh Silakh, pri sodeystvii Sjam
nekotoryye tsifry, v chastnosti: Pono, bol'she izvestnyy kak Bono Waluyo, Hamim i Soejono Pradigdo. Sjam i boleye Pono otnosheniya s elementami armii, naznachayutsya na VVS element Bono.

Pri vypolnenii svoikh obyazannostey, BC, neposredstvenno podchinennyye Aydit, a nachal'nik otdela / Organizatsiya PKI Politbyuro. V dopolneniye k nazvaniye "Spetsial'nyy", linii VS takzhe spetsial'nykh operatsiy, kotoryye chasto deystvuyut do n.e.
vne ofitsial'noy koordinatsii partii. Yeshche odnoy osobennost'yu yavlyayetsya to, chto pryamoy dostup k Aydit. Iz-za nekotorykh privilegiy v Britanskoy Kolumbii, gde do n.e. Tol'ko v partii, chasto stavitsya pod somneniye i drugiye lidery PKI (za predelami Aydit). Dazhe nekotoroye vremya posle etogo sobytiya, kogda rech' idet Sudisman s sokamernikom tyur'me, sarkasticheski vyzova do n.e. kak PKI nezakonnym.

Po krayney mere, do nachala meropriyatiya, byli sotni dolzhnostnykh lits (bol'shinstvo elementov AD), kotoryy preuspel v ikh zdanii, merakh po vypolneniyu obyazatel'stv s ofitserami prakticheski sdelano ochen' solidno. Nekotoryye iz ofitserov,
pozzhe stali neposredstvennymi ispolnitelyami dvizheniya, takiye, kak podpolkovnik Pribyl' (odnogo komandira polka Bataliyon Cakrabirawa), polkovnik Abdul Latif (1 komandir brigady Dzhaya voyennogo komandovaniya), brigadnyy general Suparjo polkovnik Suherman (1 pomoshchnik komandira Diponegoro VII), Vozdukh Sudiono Col, mayor Sujono. Chto sleduyet podcherknut', ofitsery voshli v set' do n.e., ne mogut byt' vostrebovany v kachestve chlena PKI. Potomu chto oni zanimayutsya tol'ko s nashey ery, ne PKI kak organizatsii.

Potomu chto nosit' trek "spetsial'nyy", a ne ofitsial'noy linii, i taynyye (sekretnyye). Togda otnosheniya ili seti, postroyennyye do n.e., boleye pravil'no nazyvat' ubagai zagovora. S Sjam kachestve tsentral'nogo svyazi,
mezhdu fraktsiyami Aydit s elementami vooruzhennykh sil.

V dopolneniye k etim ofitseram, kotoryye byli otneseny k kategorii "vnutrennego kruga", BTS, a takzhe stroit' otnosheniya s ofitserami v ryadakh rukovodstva Vooruzhennykh sil, to yest' lyudi / Glavkom VVS Omar Dkhani (Bono) i Sukharto voyennykh mayor (kompaniya "rabotala" Sjam) . Do n.e. po ssylke, Omar Dkhani i Sukharto ne chuzhiye, oni schitayutsya "drug" ili
«Nashi lyudi». Khotya yeshche ne v kategorii "vnutrennego kruga". Forma takikh otnosheniy mozhet byt' sozdana, tem boleye chto rol' Sjam. V boleye pop, Sjam pozitsiya "pravyy-levyy-pravyy».

Sjam figura unikal'na, mnogiye lyudi nazyvayut eto tainstvennoye. Eto mozhet sluchit'sya, potomu chto yest' prezumptsiya Sjam "dvoynym agentom", on rabotal v AD i PKI (cherez do n.e.). Obmotka puteshestviye svoyey zhizni, a takzhe. Do prikhoda v
PKI, byli kadry liderov Sjam PSI Djohan Sjahroesjah, v voyne za nezavisimost' v Dzhok'yakarta. V etot period, my nakhodim sledy interesnoy istoriyey, a imenno nalichiye «gruppy Pathok".

Pathok eto nazvaniye derevni v gorode Dzhok'yakarta, kotoraya chasto ispol'zuyetsya kak mesto vstrechi mezhdu Sjam, Aydit, i molodoy ofitser, podpolkovnik Sukharto. Takim obrazom, vvedeniye mezhdu tremya muzhchinami, ne dol'she. Osobenno
Aydit yest' dolg blagodarnosti Sjam, potomu chto proshlo Sjam Aydit i Lukman, kogda oni provodyatsya v portu Tandzhung Priok, v nachale 1950 goda.
Po vozvrashchenii Aydit i Lukman, iz-za rubezha, chtoby ubezhat', posle dela Madiun.

Set' urovnya konfidentsial'nosti postroyen ochen' vysokoy do nashey ery. Rapihnya takaya sekretnost', chto, v toy stepeni, general-mayor S. Parman v kachestve pomoshchnika vvoda / razvedchikov / armiya, tozhe zhertva. Tem ne meneye, v kachestve pomoshchnika razvedki, general-mayor S. Parman dolzhny ponyat' situatsiyu, chto proiskhodilo
v Vooruzhennykh silakh i natsional'noy politicheskoy sredy v tselom. To zhe samoye nevezhestvo rukovodstva PKI. Nravitsya chitayem o Pike Sudisman vyshe. Predstavlyayetsya takzhe, ot nepodgotovlennosti infrastruktury otkrytykh klyuchey, v litso
"Moringa unichtozhennykh" (izmel'chennyy s kornem) cherez nekotoroye vremya posle sobytiya.

Po dannym nashikh istochnikov, spisok dolzhnostnykh lits, kotoryye v"yezzhayut do n.e. seti, Yest' imena, kotoryye kazhetsya nevozmozhnym, chto voyti v set'. Takim obrazom, istinnost' faktov, tam dolzhno byt' podtverzhdeniye ili dal'neyshikh issledovaniy. Imena ofitserov: Amira Makhmuda Ali Murtopo, Basuki
Rakhmat i Kardono (AU).

Imya drugogo sotrudnika, sleduyet otmetit', Pranoto Rekso Samudro, kotoryy togda sluzhil pomoshchnikom III / Personal Muzhchiny / Armiya.
Chto interesno Pranoto polozheniye ne bylo vklyucheno v set' do n.e., potomu Pranoto boleye sklonny k fraktsii Nyoto.

Iz trekh fraktsiy v NT, Fraktsii Fraktsii Nyoto nakhoditsya blizhe vsego k prezidentu Sukarno. Eto stalo vozmozhnym blagodarya pozitsii Nyoto kak gosudarstvennyy ministr, kotoryy naznachayetsya prezidentom. Takim obrazom mezhdu Bung Karno, Nyoto i Pranoto, nakhodyatsya v odnoy osi. Teper', yesli my pomnim, obratno,
otkaz ot naznacheniya general-mayor Sukharto, kak storozh Muzhchiny Pranoto / Armiya v to vremya, v dopolneniye k pokazu otnosheniye nepovinoveniya protiv prezidenta Sukharto, eto mozhet byt' chast'yu "sopernichestvo" mezhdu fraktsiyami, tak kak Sukharto - cherez Sjam - Fraktsii Aydit zapisi. S
primerno za god do sobytiy, i konflikt mezhdu Aydit Nyoto vse boleye ostrymi. Nyoto rol' v NT byla umen'shena, a takzhe udalen kak redaktora «Krasnoy zvezdy».

TEORIYA disjuncture
V svyazi s manevrom jarintan do n.e., val Fraktsii Aydit - BC / Sjam - Elementy vooruzhennykh sil (leytenant schast'yu, Brig Suparjo, Col Latifa i dr.), nash istochnik dal'neyshego soderzhat analiz, potomu chto nash istochnik byl boleye ili meneye iz sobytiya. On predstavit «Teoriya
Razryva », chtoby ob"yasnit' G30S delom, osobenno v epizode ​​pokhishcheniya generalov. Potomu chto nash istochnik ofitserom razvedki, razvedki normal'no, chto podrobnyy analiz.

V razvedyvatel'noy operatsii, sredi kotorykh ne ispol'zuyut (sub"yekt) tem, kotoryye ispol'zuyutsya predmeta, ob"yekta ili operator, kak pravilo, net nikakogo pryamogo otnosheniya. Tak chto razryv mezhdu sub"yektom
i ob"yektov, v etom i zaklyuchayetsya «teoriya razryva" v etom intsidente. I opyat' zhe, razryv mezhdu sub"yektom i ob"yektom, yavlyayetsya to, chto ochen' neobychno v mire razvedki.

«Razvod po protsedure" na samom dele mery predostorozhnosti (bezopasnost'), yesli operator ne kak ob"yekt, a zatem partii, kotoryye ispol'zuyut (sub"yekt), ne mozhet byt' podtverzhdena, a zatem mozhet byt' nevmeshatel'stve. Prosto, na prostom primere my mozhem videt' na ekrane posledovatel'nogo
"Missiya nevypolnima", gde v zastavke my vidim stsenu, chto pol'zovatel' (britanskoy sekretnoy sluzhby) ne budet nesti otvetstvennost', yesli proizoshel sboy operatsii.

Togda kak mezhdu sub"yektami i ob"yektami otnosyatsya? Otvet predskazuyema, to yest' tret'yey storonoy. Eta tret'ya storona v dva raza, on svyazuyushchiy faktor i faktor vyklyuchateley, a takzhe. Kogda operatsiya
s chego nachat', tret'yey storonoy, yavlyayetsya ssylkoy. No yesli v odin prekrasnyy den', okazyvayetsya, ne poluchitsya, togda tret'ya storona, kotoraya byla svyaz', v nastoyashcheye vremya vyklyuchatelya. To yest' razryv mezhdu sub"yektom i ob"yektom, tak, chtoby ob"yekt mozhet izbezhat' otvetstvennosti. Yesli operatsiya proshla uspeshno, kazhdaya storona mozhet vernut'sya v svoyu sredu obitaniya so spokoynym, kak budto nichego ne proizoshlo.

V svyazi s intsidentom, v zavisimosti ot storony, kotoraya vystupayet v kachestve sub"yekta, ob"yekta i tret'ikh lits, a takzhe svyaz' i vyklyuchateli? Ob"yekt CLA, ob"yekt (operator) yavlyayetsya podpolkovnik Laki i starshiy leytenant Arief Doel, i storonnikh fraktsii Aydit atalah most-BC / Sjam -
Elementy Vooruzhennykh Sil. Tak, kotoroye budet ispol'zovat'sya v otchete o pribylyakh operatsii TSRU i pervyy podpolkovnik atalah Doel Arief, no TSRU ne bylo neposredstvenno svyazano s Pribyl' / Doel Arief, no cherez val Aydit / Sjam.

Yesli risovannoy grafikoy, Osi TSRU svyazey s DNK / Sjam atalah pryamoy linii, chto oznachayet pryamoy kontakt. Analogichno, iz Poros DNK / Sjam polkovniku Pribyl' / Starshiy leytenant Arief Doel v kachestve operatora. Buduchi operatorom TSRU
(Pribyl' / Doel Arief), yavlyayetsya punktirnaya liniya, kotoraya ne imeyet pryamogo otnosheniya.

Chto interesno, chto DNK most / Sjam samom dele igrat' bol'she, chem prosto «tret'yey storony». V usloviyakh tekushchego krizisa, oni takzhe imeyut svoi sobstvennyye politicheskiye interesy. Tak proizoshla vstrecha mezhdu TSRU i interesy
Val DNK / Sjam, i na osnove svoikh sobstvennykh politicheskikh interesov, oni oba ispol'zuyut tot zhe operator (pribyl' / Doel Arief.)

Okazyvayetsya operatsiya ne udalas', potomu chto yest' chleny Aydit most / Sjam bezhavshiy, a imenno mayor Sukharto. Potomu chto general-mayor Sukharto byl dostup k Fraktsii Aydit / Sjam i operatora (pribyl' / Doel Arif), to ona mozhet byt' bystro Sukharto takzhe kacheniya Fraktsii Aydit / Sjam, a takzhe elementy operatora. Doel leytenant Arief v kachestve ispolnitelya v etoy oblasti, zakonchil ranniye, voyska pod komandovaniyem polkovnika Ali Murtopo (konechno, po prikazu Sukharto). Podpolkovnik K schast'yu vse zhe udalos' bezhat', no byl poyman tozhe, i nemedlenno kaznen. ***

TNI chasy! Vopros, kotoryy prednaznachen dlya kontrolya za povedeniyem voyennosluzhashchikh, okolo mutatsiy v TNI, profili i ofitserov armii puteshestviyakh, narusheniya prav cheloveka zloupotrebleniyakh, voyennoy politiki, ispol'zovali oruzhiye, i tak daleye. Tsel' sostoit v tom, chto zriteli mogut ponyat' eto i sobralis' vmeste nadzora.


Recent editorial TNI Watch! received information from a former political prisoner (Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Hr). He is an Air Force intelligence officer, when events "G.30.S" erupted. Whenlanguishing in RTM (Military Detention) Budi Utomo, Central Jakarta, our source had a conversation with Sudisman (one of the PKI Politburo member), about the incident, of course, from the point of view Sudisman. The following article is Sudisman view, as thehe told our source.
Ahead of G-30 events, three factions have emerged within the PKI Politburo.Respectively are:1. DN Aidit faction (supported MH Lukman).DN Aidit is Chairman of the CC - PKI, and MH Lukman as Vice Chairman of the First2. Sudisman faction (Secretary CC - PKI)3. Nyoto faction (Vice Chairman II CC - PKI
Fragmentation of the Politburo (PB) in the three factions, because some things, either because of political orientation, leadership style each person in PKI, and also personal political interests. Sudisman example has strong roots in the workers. Nyoto being considered too biased to Moscow, unlike Aidit oriented to Beijing.
Interesting question: how the relationship with the factions of the G-30?
It turns out that play a role only faction Aidit, are two other factions practically no idea at all, on the plan of action.Movement began preparation to implementation, of the elements of the Politburo (PB), which is active only Aidit. Two other factions were excluded, because it is broken. And it appears to be only a matter of political interest Aidit alone.
For political purposes (not to mention personal ambition), Aidit more contact with the PKI Special Bureau (hereafter BC), the chairman is Sjam Kamaruzaman. Long story short, Aidit with BC who had more of a role in designing and controlling events. Sjam Aidit activity with this, the clandestine nature, meaning not communicated to the party leadership element. So Aidit and Sjam action goes beyond the formal organizational lines.
Important positions with the BC Sjam figure in that event, which is then often a matter of debate and expert analysis regarding the incident. In addition to the important position, which impressed Sjam mysterious figure, making the controversy surrounding him was never completed.
BC is the other name of the Army Bureau. From the name alone is clear, his job is to build a network to army (ABRI). For the purpose of building a network (the current term "work") in the Armed Forces, assisted by Sjamsome figures, among others: Pono, aka Bono Waluyo, Hamim and Soejono Pradigdo. Sjam and more Pono relationship with elements of the Army, being assigned to the element Bono Air Force.
In performing its duties, BC directly responsible to Aidit, as Head of the Department / Organization PKI Politburo. In addition to the name "The Special", line BC is also special operations, that BC often actoutside the official party coordination. Another particularity is that direct access to Aidit. Because of some privilege in BC, where BC alone in the party, often questioned by other PKI leaders (outside Aidit). Even some time after the event, Sudisman when talking with a fellow prison inmate, sarcastically calling BC as PKI illegal.
At least before the event, had hundreds of officers (most elements AD) who succeeded in their building, up to commitments with officers made practically very solid. Some of the officers,later became the direct perpetrators of the movement, such as Lt. Col. Profit (one of the Regimental Commander Bataliyon Cakrabirawa), Col. Abdul Latif (1 brigade commander Jaya Military Command), Brigadier General Suparjo, Col. Suherman (1 Assistant Commander Diponegoro VII), Air Sudiono Col, Major Sujono. What should be emphasized here, the officers entered the BC network, can not be claimed as a member of the PKI. Because they only deal with BC, not by PKI as an organization.
Because wearing track "special", not the official line, and are clandestine (secret). Then the relationships or networks built BC, more properly called ubagai conspiracy. With Sjam as a central liaison,between Factions Aidit with elements of the Armed Forces.
In addition to these officers, which has been categorized as "inner circle", BC as well as build relationships with officers in the leadership ranks of the Armed Forces, ie Men / Air Force Commander Omar Dhani (by Bono) and Suharto military Maj. (company "worked" Sjam) . In BC link, Omar Dhani and Suharto are not strangers, they are considered "friend" or"Our people". Although not yet in the category of the "inner circle". Form such a relationship can be created, especially because the role Sjam. In more pop, Sjam position is "right-left-right".
Sjam figure is unique, a lot of people call it mysterious. It can happen because there is a presumption Sjam a "double agent", he worked for AD and PKI (via BC). Winding journey of his life as well. Prior to joiningPKI, had a cadre of leaders Sjam Djohan Sjahroesjah PSI, in the war for independence in Yogyakarta. At this period, we find traces of interesting history, namely the presence of "group Pathok".
Pathok is a name of the village in Yogyakarta, which is often used as a meeting place between Sjam, Aidit, and a young officer, the Lieutenant Colonel Suharto. So the introduction between the three men had been longer. EspeciallyAidit have a debt of gratitude to Sjam, because Sjam passed Aidit and Lukman, when held in the Port of Tanjung Priok, in early 1950.Upon returning Aidit and Lukman, from abroad to escape, after the Madiun Affair.
Confidentiality level network built very high BC. Rapihnya such secrecy that, to the extent that Maj. S. Parman, as Assistant I / Intelligence Men / Army, also a victim. Yet as Assistant Intelligence, Major General S. Parman should understand the situation that was happeningin the Armed Forces and the national political environment in general. The same is true ignorance on PKI leadership. Like read of pique Sudisman above. It also appears from the unpreparedness of the PKI, in the face"Moringa annihilated" (crushed up by the roots) some time after the event.
According to our sources, the list of officers who enter BC network, there are names that it seems impossible that enter the network. So the truth of the facts, there needs to be confirmation or further research. The names of the officers are: Amir Machmud, Ali Murtopo, BasukiRachmat and Kardono (AU).
Name another officer to note is Pranoto Rekso Samudro, who was then serving as Assistant III / Personnel Men / Army.What's interesting is Pranoto position was not included in the BC network, because Pranoto more inclined to faction Nyoto.
Of the three factions in the NT, factions Factions Nyoto is closest to President Sukarno. This is made possible by Nyoto position as Minister of State, which is assigned to the President. So between Bung Karno, Nyoto and Pranoto, are in one axis. Now if we remember back,rejection of the appointment of Major General Soeharto as caretaker Pranoto Men / Army at that time, in addition to showing an attitude of defiance against President Suharto, it could be a part of the "rivalry" between the factions, because Suharto - through Sjam - Factions Aidit entry. Sinceabout a year before the event, and the conflict between Aidit Nyoto increasingly sharp. Nyoto role in the NT has been reduced, and also removed as the editor of the "Red Star".
THEORY disjunctureIn connection with the maneuver jarintan BC, the shaft Factions Aidit - BC / Sjam - Elements of the Armed Forces (Lt. Fortunately, Brig Suparjo, Col A Latif et al), our source further provide analysis, because our source was more or less out of the event. He introduce "TheoryDiscontinuity ", to explain the G30S affair, especially on kidnapping episode of the generals. Because our source is an intelligence officer, intelligence is normal that nuanced analysis.
In an intelligence operation, among which utilize (subject) with those used by the subject, the object or the operator, usually there is no direct relationship. So there's a disconnect between the subjectand objects, herein lies the "theory of discontinuity" in the incident. And again, a disconnect between subject and object, is something which is very unusual in the world of intelligence.
"The break procedure" is actually a precaution (security), if the operator fails as the object, then the party who utilize (subject), can not be confirmed, and then can be hands-off. Just an easy example, we can see in the screen serial"Mission Impossible", where in the intro, we see the scene, that the user (British secret service) will not be responsible, if the operation fails.
Then how between the subjects and objects relate? The answer is predictable, ie, by a third party. This third party doubles, he is connecting factor and factor breaker as well. When the operationto begin, a third party is the link. But if one day, it turns out the operation fails, then the third party who had a liaison, now a breaker. That is the disconnect between subject and object, so that the subject can escape responsibility. If the operation is successful, each party may return to their habitat with calm, as if nothing happened.
In connection with the incident, whichever side that acts as subject, object and third parties as well as liaison and breakers? Subject is CLA, the object (operator) is Lieutenant Colonel Lucky and First Lieutenant Arief Doel, and third-party faction Aidit atalah Axle-BC / Sjam -Elements of the Armed Forces. So that will be used in the CIA operations Profit and First Lieutenant Colonel atalah Doel Arief, but the CIA was not directly related to the Profit / Doel Arief, but through the shaft Aidit / Sjam.
If drawn graphics, Axles CIA ties to the DNA / Sjam atalah straight line, which means direct contact. Similarly, from Poros DNA / Sjam to Colonel Profit / First Lieutenant Arief Doel as the operator. Being CIA to operator(Profit / Doel Arief), is the dotted line, that is not directly related.
What is interesting, that the DNA Axle / Sjam actually play more than just a "third party". In the current crisis, they also have their own political interests. So there was a meeting between the CIA and interestsShaft DNA / Sjam, and on the basis of their own political interests, they both utilize the same operator (Profit / Doel Arief.)
Turns operation failed, because there are members Aidit Axle / Sjam who defected, namely Maj. Suharto. Because Major General Suharto had access to Factions Aidit / Sjam and Operator (Profit / Doel Arif), then it can be rapidly Suharto also rolling elements Factions Aidit / Sjam, and also elements of the operator. Doel Lieutenant Arief as the executor in the field, finished earliest, by troops under Col. Ali Murtopo (of course on the orders of Suharto). Lt. Col. Luckily still managed to escape, but was caught too, and immediately executed. ***
TNI Watch! an issue which is meant to oversee the behavior of the military, of about mutations within the TNI, profiles and travelogues army officers, violations of human-rights abuses committed, military politics, weapons used, and so on. The goal is that the audience can figure it out and come together oversee.

Isi maksud Surat Al-Faatihah

Isi maksud ingkang wigatos ing Surat Al-Faatihah
1.Kalawan asma Allah kang Maha Murah ugi Maha Asih.

2.Kabeh pangalembana kagunganing Allah Pangeran, Sesembahaning ‘ alam jagad-rat pramudita.

3.Kang Maha Murah Maha Asih.

4. Kang Ngratoni ing dina Piwelas.

5. Namung dhumateng Paduka piyambak kita sami menembah ‘ ibadah, saha namung dhumateng Paduka piyambak kita sami anyenyadhong pitulungan.

6. Dhuh Gusti Allah, mugi Paduka paring pitedah ing kita sadaya lumampah wonten ing margi ingkang leres.

7. Inggih punika margi, Agaminipun para tetiyang ingkang sampun Paduka paringi kani’matan, sanes ingkang sami kabendon, tuwin sanes ingkang sami sasar.

Isi maksud ingkang wigatos ing Surat Al-Faatihah :
Intisari saking isinipun Al-Quraan punika sampun kaweca pokok-pokok ingkang fundamentil wonten salebeting Surat Al Faatihah, kados kasebut ing ngandhap punika :
1. Bab ‘aqaid utawi kaimanan ; punika kuwajiban ingkang wiwitan kaampil, ingkang dipun da’wahaken dening junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, makaten ugi dening para andika Rasul saderengipun. Ingkang baku inggih punika ‘ aqidah-tauhid ( memundhi saha mangeran namung dhumateng Panjenanganipun Allah piyambak ) ‘ Aqidah-tauhid wau dados jejering piwucal Agami, sadaya para andika Nabi Utusaning Allah kautus ngampil tugas-pokok mbangun Tauhid ing Allah, sarta ngrebahaken sadaya kamusyrikan, ugi ngajak Ummatipun supados samia ‘ibadah ( manembah ) ing Allah piyambak, lan nilar sadaya brahalanipun.
2. ‘Ibadah ; utawi ngumawula lan manembah ing Allah, ingkang kuwajiban sadaya titah, langkung-langkung manungsa ( sabab manungsa punika makhluk ingkang saged damel kabudayan wonten ing ‘ alam donya ). Ingkang baku wonten sekawan, inggih punika : Shalat, Zakat, Shiyam lan kesah Haji. Saking ingkang baku kasebut, lajeng tuwuh ‘ibadah memuji, ndedonga, dzikir lan tafakkur utawi I’tikaf ing masjid. Saking zakat lajeng tuwuh ‘ ibadah qurban sidqah, weweweh lan tetulung ing sasaminipun, lan saking Shiyam tuwuh watak Wira’I 9 mboten ndremis lan mboten kathah sesambat ) sumingkir saking ingkang nama lelangkungan ( gesang prasaja ). Lajeng saking Haji tuwuh semangat ambelani sarta labuh ing agami.
3. Angger- angger Hukum lan Pernatan- pernatan : maksudipun Syari’at Islam damel angger-angger hukum lan pranatan punika kangge karaharjaning ummat manungsa ing Donya dumugi ing Akheratipun. Pramila ing salebetingQuraan ngemot pinten-pinten norma lan katamtuwan, upami hukum, politik, tatanagari, sosial, ekonomi, perang, dahme, sesambetan internasional, kabudayan sarta kesenian, agami, sesambetaning manungsa kaliyan Allah, lan lingkungan sapiturutipun.
4. Janji sarta ancaman : artosipun supados ngadeg keadilan lan keleresan ingkang saestu, sanajan wonten Donya saged lolos saking hukuman, nanging wonten ngarsaning Allah ing dinten Qiyanat tantu nboten saged lolos malih.
5. Sejarah : maksudipun ingkang saged dados tepa-palupi ing salebeting sesrawungan ummat manungsa, sampun ngantos damel sejarah awon, gesang sapisan wonten ing ‘ alam Donya.

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